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divendres, 25 de març del 2011

My School

-Introduction: This is our High School, called IES Dolors Mallafrè i Ros.
-The classes: In the classes there are minimum one computer and a lot of tables and chairs.
-Library: In the library, there are a lot of good books.
-Laboratory: There are two labs: the biology lab and the chemistry lab.
-Arts class: There are a music class, a theatre class, and some classes of plastic arts.
-Gym: The gym is very big, and we practise a lot of different sports.
-Canteen: The canteen is like a bar.
-Playground: The playground is big, and there’s a football camp. Also, there are a volleyball camp and a basketball camp.

School Ideology:

In the school, we have to study for in the future, we will be able more rich persons in knowledges.
In the school, we have to do our homework and study for the exams for to will be able have good marks.
We must to be good persons and have a good conduct with the teachers, if we don’t want to be ejects of the school.
If we go to school, we will be able to have a good job and have a best vocabulary and a best knowledge about maths, languages, arts, science... and a lot of more important things.
In the school we can make a lot of good friends too.

Group: Marc Castillo, María Cortada, Giovanna López, Gonzalo López

1 comentari:

  1. Hello! I'm Judith.
    I like the photographs of the school but here there are no people and normally there are many people!
    I don't like the food in the cantine,it is disgusting.Although they have good breakfasts.
    In the science the stools are very uncomfortable.
