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divendres, 25 de març del 2011

My School

Our school is very small. The colour of the exterior is beige and the interior is white, with blue windows and doors. In our school there are two plants. In every plant, there are twenty classrooms. There are 600 students and about 50 teachers. There are eleven subjects and six courses.

School Ideology:

-In the school we have to have a good relation with the companions.
-In the school the teachers teaches us about life.
-We have to learn for to be good citizens in our country.
-We also have to learn for to be good citizens in others countries.
-If we go to school, we will be able to have a good job.
-If we go to school, we will be able to speak with people.
-Going to school is going to learn new knowledges.

Group: Martí García, Marc Llorens and Wissal M’bari.

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