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dimecres, 2 de febrer del 2011

Garraf and Penedès

Penedès is a region in the east of Catalonia, an Autonomous Community of Spain. Penedès is composed on other regions: Garraf, Alt Penedès and Baix Penedès. In Garraf, there are some towns: Olivella, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sitges, Cubelles, Canyelles, and Vilanova i la Geltrú (the town in which we live). Penedès and Garraf are near the Mediterranean Sea and near some small mountains too, called “Massís del Garraf”. One very famous recipe in Garraf is “Xató”. Xató it’s a salad with some anchovies, olives, cod, cockles, etc; and with a special and delicious sauce. The Carnival in these regions it’s very special: in some towns of Garraf, there’s a special celebration called “Comparsa”, on the people, in pairs of one man and one woman, threws candies for the children; other celebration of Carnival is “L’enterrament de la sardina”, on the people, buries a sardine with “Carnestoltes”, the king of the Carnival of Garraf and Penedès. The high school “IES Dolors Mallafré i Ros” (the high school in which we study) it’s the only high school of Garraf who have artistic higher secondary school course.
The salad with special sauce called “Xató”

Some people threw candies in “Comparsa”

Autonomous Communities of Spain. We live in Catalonia

Regions in Catalonia. We live in Garraf

Towns in Garraf. We live in Vilanova I la Geltrú

Gonzalo López, Giovanna López, María Cortada and Marc Castillo

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